InnoFellowship Logo


Ideas Can't Wait

Share, Collaborate, and Innovate based on your unique personality. Find a community of thinkers shaping the future.

Discover Your Ideal Personality


Always lost in thought, might forget their coffee but never the big picture, Sees the future before the rest of us even find our glasses.Turns “Oh no!” into “Oh wow, new opportunity!” Makes everyone feel like superheroes, even on a Monday morning.

Key Traits:

  • Decisive
  • Determined
  • Supportive
  • Focused


  • Cautious
  • Problem-Solving
  • Motivating others
  • Impulsive

The Three phases

Brain Scramble, High on Caffeine and Kick off were born while discussing IF, scratching our heads while getting high (on caffeine) waiting for the right time to kick off.

Our IF Story

(Wanna know how we started? Click the image)

Descriptive Alt Text

What can be done here?

3 AM thoughts

Share your thoughts, get feedback, drive your thing forward and get the stuff done. We are not gonna force you to sleep

Networking Spaces

Get spaces to meet, work and collaborate with other Fellows. Make things together.

Fellow Theory

Connect with Fellows and their concepts and know how their are aligned


The only difference between an idea and a problem is you know what to do with an idea but not for the problem.


Validate your ideas by getting upvotes and responses. Create a market.

Midnight Missions

Basically, you can do anything you want here in six weeks. We are not your parents.

Your Concepts Showcase

Writing my First Novel

I've always wanted to write a novel. I'm a bit scared to start but I'm excited to see where it goes.


Alice Johnson

Novelist and writer

Six-Week Cycle

Join our next cohort to participate, compete, and network. Experience a transformative journey that will challenge your thinking and expand your horizons.

Concept Spark!

Ignite your creativity! brainstorm and start something amazing.